We then get into a discussion between the merits of piercing versus tattooing. I explained that the piercings, while I enjoy them, were mainly because of the adrenaline rush I got when I was pierced each time. And that I want more tattoos. And how, once, while waiting with a friend while he was being tattooed, I started jonesing so bad for one myself that I started begging the tattoo artist just to run the needle over my skin. He didn't even have to put ink into it.
I then give the list of my tattoos (I wrote a post with the descriptions of them and also why the picture of the tattoo below is a bone of contention for me. Go read it now. There may be a test). And then, for some reason that is not quite clear, I decided to show him the one on the swell of my left breast. The reason I freaked Beth out one night at karaoke when I asked her to take a picture of my breast and it took her a second to remember that I promised Larry a picture of this tattoo.
What was I thinking? Why, oh, why, did I feel the need to yank my shirt down in front of my boss? My BOSS! Oh, my God.
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